As a steel products and sheet services centre, IRON SpA was one of the first Italian companies to fully embrace the philosophy of working according to a quality system.
In fact, since 1996 IRON SpA has been certified in compliance with ISO 9001.
All of our operational stages, from acquirement of job orders to manufacture of the product and finally delivery to the customer, follow a procedure and are monitored in order to respect the quality requirements requested by our customers and with the objective of supplying complaint products. ISO 9001.2015
IRON SpA has also focused its attention on the necessity to certify its safety system in compliance with the ISO 45001 Standard.ISO 45001
Successively, to satisfy the growing demand for CE marked products, moving parallel with the coming into force of the new regulations in the construction steel sector, in 2014 IRON SpA obtained certification in compliance with EN 1090, which allows it to manufacture and introduce CE marked semi-finished products onto the market with relative Declaration of Performance DoP.IRON SPA_CERT_1090