Tubi Grandi Diametro Iron | Prodotti Siderurgici e centro lamiere

Large Diameter Pipes

IRON SpA has been manufacturing submerged-arc process spiral welded large diameter steel pipes, SAW from DN 600 to DN 2500 mm and thicknesses from 6 to 16 mm, for various fields of application for many years (example: pipes for conveying water or other liquids, pile-driving sector, etc.)
Both the welding process and the operators assigned to this job are qualified by a specialised body in compliance with the technical regulations in force.
The pipes can be supplied with smooth, bevelled, socketed or flanged ends.
IRON SpA also has a plant for the execution of the pressure leak test of the pipes

IRON SpA can realise special pieces for pipes and shells using its own calender, which works up to the thickness of 20 mm and widths of 3000 mm.